History of the
van de Werve family


  The van de Werve’s are one of the most ancient families of Belgium and without doubt the eldest of the still existing Antwerp families


  Indeed, as early as in 1225 mention was made of one Willelmus de Littore, Alderman of Antwerp, who made use of a scabinal seal with three rafters. One can also trace him in other contemporary documents, which he signed Willelmus de Werve. He is most probably one of the present van de Werve’s ancestors. The uninterrupted filiation till today goes back to Jean van de Werve, himself an Alderman, who was quoted in 1299.


  The van de Werve’s remained in the Metropolis during several centuries and traditionally occupied many public offices. The History of the family is therefore practically amalgameted with that of the town of Antwerp. One counts, in the course of ages, about fifty Aldermen of Antwerp, not less than twenty Burgomasters, six « Ammans », six « Écoutêtes » and two Marcgraves of the Land of Ryen, without counting the van de Werve’s which were Chief Justices, Treasurers, or filled other functions in the Antwerp Magistrature.


  Currently the van de Werve’s are divided into three distinct branches although having the same origin and the same ancestors, Louis van de Werve (1791-1850) and his wife Jeanne Gillès (1792-1866). The eldest branch are the van de Werve de Vorsselaer, followed by the van de Werve de Schilde and the youngest branch, the van de Werve d' Immerseel.


  Since 1970, a Family Association gathers all the members of the van de Werve family.



Ce site a été élaboré par Hubert van de Werve.
Pour toutes remarques ou questions
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fax: 00 32 (0)71 85 81 51
